We work with technical, scientific and educational organizations to bring out the best in leaders and teams.
Our work is guided by several core beliefs:
- Our role is to help others discover and adopt useful practices that meaningfully contribute to their success.
- Leadership development involves more than a transfer of information. Personal awareness, emotional engagement and real-world application are also essential elements.
- It takes courage to change. We are inspired to stand with those willing to embrace discomfort and challenge the status quo.
Our services focus on The Five Responsibilities of a Leader
We view leadership as a system of five relational dimensions in which each one affects the others. Building capacity in these areas results in better and quicker decisions, less time wasted on unproductive behavior and increased organizational agility.
Self: responsible for knowing oneself and managing how one responds to situations and other people. Includes knowing ones purpose, goals, values and finding alignment between these and the organization’s mission, vision, and values.
Other: responsible for work relationships; paying attention to level of trust, quality of communication, and willingness to give and receive feedback. Also includes making clear agreements for effective work flow.
Teams: responsible for what is needed at the group level and willing to intervene to set direction, change direction and/or reflect on performance. Balance attention between self, other individuals and the team as a whole.
Organization: responsible for monitoring what is working for and against the organization’s health; initiating and leading change; managing gaps between stated mission, vision, and values and those in practice; leveraging strengths & successes.
Community: responsible for the organization’s relationships with stakeholders and other community members. This includes making choices that balance individual, organizational and community needs for long term viability.